Mar 2, 2005

It's not that I consciously collect things but...

I seem to have a lot of stuff right now. I grew up in a house filled with knick-knacks. It's so bad that you can't move without knocking something over. That's an exaggeration. Well, you get my drift. So, I vowed not to buy these kinds of things, things that is of no use and just sits there looking all pretty while collectiong dusts. And it's not that bad really, but, if I keep buying stuff, it will get to that point since I find it so hard to let go of things, especially if it was a gift.

Whenever we go on a trip, we end up buying these souvenir things. So, I made an executive decision, the only things that we will buy from these gift shops are the fridge magnet and postcard. M still gets to buy one thing, though. And usually it's a toy.

Another thing, books. My bookcase is starting to overflow. 2nd time actually, I have my pocketbooks on the computer armoire. I was gonna go thru it and donate it somewhere but I just couldn't bear to part with my books. Not my books, please.

Stemware, same as my mom, she has a thing with stemware and I think I inherited it. It started when we moved here. I bought this cabinet, it's not a china cabinet, it's more like a bar cabinet really, anyways, so since it was so empty, I bought a couple here and there and now it's full. So, the only way I can buy new stemware is if
1. They're really pretty
2. It's priced reasonably
3. I have to get rid of something else

Picture frames, I dont know why but I have a lot of picture frames in my house. Journals, I love to write but it's becoming a thing with me now, when I see a journal I like, I buy it. Bookmarkers, too. These are little things, but the do add up and become one box or two.

It's funny how 9 years ago, I only have a suitcase to my name and now...

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