Mar 31, 2005

However many years ago I joined the Air Force.

To finish the basic training you have to pass the fitness test which is run 2 miles in 20 minutes, I forgot how many push-ups and sit-ups in 2 minutes but it was a lot. I am not a very physical person, I was confident with my sit-ups but I was worried about my push-ups & the run.

I'll walk 5 miles, man, I'll walk 10 miles just don't let me run. But run I need to do, so for the next 6 weeks we were running 3 times a week. I managed to skate the running thing, I'd walk most of the time and start jogging if an instructor is nearby. This did not help me at all for the fitness test.

The day came and I still could not run the whole 2 miles, let alone make it in 20 minutes but I tried. I can see the finish line but I just couldn't do it anymore, I started walking and then this booming voice came out of nowhere. He wasn't yelling in my face, it was more like encouraging, C'mon, you can do it. We're almost there. You'd better run. Well, I made it in the nick of time.

For the push-up, this girl in my flight advised to do wall push-ups every night and I should have no problems passing the push-ups. And I did it. The biggest surprise came and I failed my sit-ups. I have to re-test night before graduation, if I still fail it, I will be recycled. This means I have to join another class and add another 3 weeks to my training. I didn't want to do that.

For the re-test, somebody will hold your ankle down and count how many you can do in 2 minutes. A minute has probably passed when I felt it. Deng! I need to fart real bad. I was holding it in and it was kinda hard to do, holding it while doing sit-ups. I paused for a second and the person holding my ankle down said, Don't stop now, you can do it. I replied, It's not that, I need to fart real bad. And then she said, Then do it. Fart. I just couldn't do it. I just can't fart in your face, I said. Do you want to get recycled? Fart now or fail this. It better not be stinky or I'll kill you. So, I did my sit-ups and it came out with it.


Anonymous said...

good story. part of me envy your training while a major chunk of the story, i can live without. i had a good laugh.

mitzi said...

I won't do it again even if somebody pays me to do it and having said that, I'm actually glad I went thru it.