Mar 29, 2005

G said I am such an indecisive person.

And it's true. I realized that now. I've also noticed that I'm asking M a lot to decide. What to wear the next day, what snack she wants, if she wants lunch ticket or lunch box. I even ask her what she wants for dinner.

On weekends, we're usually out and about, we usually eat out for lunch. I live that to G & M. If G asks me for I want, my response would be, It doesn't matter or It's up to you, guys.

I leave everything to chance too when it comes to shopping. What am I talking about? If I see a purse or shoes I like and I can't reach a decision to buy it or not, I would walk away from it thinking, If it's still here the next time, then it's meant for me. I've been meaning to buy a new purse since January, and I still haven't bought one. Every single weekend, I go to the purse section, look, and walk away empty-handed.

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