However many years ago I joined the Air Force.
To finish the basic training you have to pass the fitness test which is run 2 miles in 20 minutes, I forgot how many push-ups and sit-ups in 2 minutes but it was a lot. I am not a very physical person, I was confident with my sit-ups but I was worried about my push-ups & the run.
I'll walk 5 miles, man, I'll walk 10 miles just don't let me run. But run I need to do, so for the next 6 weeks we were running 3 times a week. I managed to skate the running thing, I'd walk most of the time and start jogging if an instructor is nearby. This did not help me at all for the fitness test.
The day came and I still could not run the whole 2 miles, let alone make it in 20 minutes but I tried. I can see the finish line but I just couldn't do it anymore, I started walking and then this booming voice came out of nowhere. He wasn't yelling in my face, it was more like encouraging, C'mon, you can do it. We're almost there. You'd better run. Well, I made it in the nick of time.
For the push-up, this girl in my flight advised to do wall push-ups every night and I should have no problems passing the push-ups. And I did it. The biggest surprise came and I failed my sit-ups. I have to re-test night before graduation, if I still fail it, I will be recycled. This means I have to join another class and add another 3 weeks to my training. I didn't want to do that.
For the re-test, somebody will hold your ankle down and count how many you can do in 2 minutes. A minute has probably passed when I felt it. Deng! I need to fart real bad. I was holding it in and it was kinda hard to do, holding it while doing sit-ups. I paused for a second and the person holding my ankle down said, Don't stop now, you can do it. I replied, It's not that, I need to fart real bad. And then she said, Then do it. Fart. I just couldn't do it. I just can't fart in your face, I said. Do you want to get recycled? Fart now or fail this. It better not be stinky or I'll kill you. So, I did my sit-ups and it came out with it.
Mar 31, 2005
Mar 29, 2005
G said I am such an indecisive person.
And it's true. I realized that now. I've also noticed that I'm asking M a lot to decide. What to wear the next day, what snack she wants, if she wants lunch ticket or lunch box. I even ask her what she wants for dinner.
On weekends, we're usually out and about, we usually eat out for lunch. I live that to G & M. If G asks me for I want, my response would be, It doesn't matter or It's up to you, guys.
I leave everything to chance too when it comes to shopping. What am I talking about? If I see a purse or shoes I like and I can't reach a decision to buy it or not, I would walk away from it thinking, If it's still here the next time, then it's meant for me. I've been meaning to buy a new purse since January, and I still haven't bought one. Every single weekend, I go to the purse section, look, and walk away empty-handed.
Posted by
12:44 PM
Mar 28, 2005
Girl you know it's true
Ooh ooh ooh
I love you!
Now, kill me if you please.
Posted by
1:03 AM
Mar 24, 2005
I've added lose weight in my 43 things.
I didn't want to add this because I guess I was afraid that I won't be able to cross it out. I just need to do this. I'm beginning to notice that it's affecting my self-confidence. I keep looking at how other people look and comparing myself to them. I know that we are our biggest critic but really, I am over my max ideal weight by 24 pounds. Sounds a lot and if I don't watch it, it'll go higher and higher. Time to take control of my weight.
I guess it's the show that we watched last night, too. I should really do this. My plan is drink more water, eat more fruits, exercise for 30 minutes instead of sitting here staring at the computer. As a reward, when I'm 24 pounds lighter, I'll buy me a whole new wardrobe. Since a whole new wardrobe costs a lot of money, I am going to pay myself everytime I stuck to the plan.
Wish me luck!
Posted by
2:53 AM
Mar 23, 2005
Something happened at the grocery store which reminded me of this embarrassing moment that happened to me awhile back.
First, what happened today. As I was pushing my cart, I pass by a lady who was scrutinizing the products, up ahead was her husband also doing the same thing. As I pass the husband, he walks along with me and said something and then looks at me. He then blushed and said, I'm sorry I thought you were my wife.
Now, for my embarrassing moment. We were looking for movies to rent. G was holding a movie in his hand reading the back-jacket. I took the movie from him and gave the one I was holding and said, What do you think of this one? And proceeded to read the back of the movie that I took from him. I don't remember the movie now but it was kinda lame, I don't know it sounds lame, but if you want to watch it... At this point, somebody came up to my left and asked me if I have decided on a movie, I looked and saw G on my left. Now, if G is on my left, who's on my right? A total stranger and he just had this amused look on his face, You thought I was him, huh? I apologized and walked away smacking G on the arm. Then, I realized, I still have the stranger's movie in my hand, so walked back to him, Uhm... Yeah, did you want to rent this?
Posted by
8:38 AM
I am soooo hungry.
It's like all day, the whole day, all I want to do is eat. I'm craving for something and I don't know what it is. Usually, chocolates would do the trick, but not this time, not even chocolates curbs the craving! And this is not good. I'm trying to lose weight here! Enough about food. Moving on...
The weather's funky. It started out Friday, we went from Winter to Summer. It was so nice last Friday. It seems like everybody ditched their jackets & coats. By mid-afternoon, some were actually wearing shorts. OK, it's not that warm! But, it was nice. We decided to have the car washed and a lot of people have the same idea. Saturday was still nice although it was breezy. Sunday, we were back to ugly grey weather. Monday was great. Tuesday was rainy. Today, it's so nice. I can see blue! Tomorrow, we're expecting thunders. Ugh!
Still, spring is here, spring is here, it's the best time of the year!
Posted by
2:09 AM
Mar 22, 2005
Yesterday was the official Flickr's DILO (a day in the life of...) day.
Most of my day was spent taking photos of what-not's. If you want to see the photos, you can look here.
Posted by
3:22 AM
Mar 21, 2005
Long overdue pictures of where we live and finally here it is!
So, what you think? It looks so out of place. You don't expect to see a house like this in the countryside surrounded by fields. Notice the gravel driveway. I hate it. They keep getting stuck in the tires and so as you go down the road and you have the window open, you can hear it. I'm weird like that. It bothers me when I hear repetitive sound. Like the drip-dripping of the faucet.
Actually, that is not where we live. This is where we live. "The barn" of the property. The above picture is the main house. I was hoping to capture the tennis court which is to the left side of the house but all that is visible is part of the playground.
Posted by
2:31 AM
Mar 18, 2005
Spring is in the air.
And the bugs are out. I stepped outside for a bit just a few minutes ago and this bee started buzzing around me. Oh please, oh please, don't sting me! Luckily for me it started flying away. I think there's something wrong with it. It bumped into a post... twice. It went like this, bzzz bzzz bzzz boink! bzzzz bzzz bzzz boink!
Posted by
7:54 AM
I have an addictive personality.
I mean if something sparks my interest I end up obsessing over it until I end up dreaming about whatever it is. My current internet obsessions are: blogs, flickr, 43 things, and I probably waste an average of 3 hours online just messing about these 4 sites.
And then, I tire of them just as quickly.
Posted by
3:36 AM
Mar 17, 2005
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
So, why is drinking associated with St. Patricks's Day? That was my question when I woke up this morning and a google search of st. patrick gave me this.
1. St. Patrick was born in Britain near the end of century.
2. He was taken prisoner by Irish Raiders.
3. He escaped after 6 years when he had his first vision.
4. 2nd vision told him to go back to Ireland as a missionary
5. He died March 17 around 460 AD.
6. He did NOT banish all the snakes from Ireland.
7. St. Patrick is Ireland's patron saint.
8. Since the day falls on Lenten season, prohibition of consumption of meat was waived for this day.
9. The first St. Patrick's Day parade took place in New York City on 1762.
10. Up until 1970's, Irish laws mandated that pubs be closed on that day.
There. Did that answer my question? Who cares, I now know a little bit more about St. Patrick's Day.
Posted by
5:39 AM
Mar 16, 2005
This weekend's movies are: Shall we Dance & Virginia's Run.
Shall we dance was an OK movie. I hated the part where Jennifer Lopez was giving Richard Gere some pointers in dancing the Rumba, but I like the rest of the movie. I guess I liked it because I've always wanted to dance and it just made me want to take lessons again.
Virginia's Run is another OK movie for the family. M loved it just because it has horses.
Posted by
9:13 AM
Oh, NO! I'm old!
I just realized last night that I'm 33 years old and will be 34 this year! I have to describe myself as "mid-30's". I almost felt like crying. I don't feel like I'm in my 30's though. I feel like I'm still in my mid-20's.
Posted by
2:44 AM
Mar 15, 2005
I'm a list-maker.
And so when I came across 43 things, I just have to sign-up. Here's my 43 things. Well, right now I have 6 things.
Posted by
9:43 AM
I needed that.
We haven't have the chance to go for drive in a long time. Yesterday was fun. We drove up to North Yorkshire and went to this village to pick up bulkhead for G's LR. That was a really pretty village. It was situated up on top of the hill and you have to walk down to the beach. I'm kicking myself for not bringing the camera, I have it with me but we left it in the truck. Here's hoping we'll get a chance to go that way again. Chances are very slim since it took us about 5 hours to get there.
So, scatter-brain G pulled one yesterday. We have the driving directions to the POST CODE of the guy but not the complete address. We didn't have the guy's phone number and he can't remember the guy's last name. It's Dave H or something like that. Our only hope was to find a shop with internet access so we can retrieve the guy's email.
So, off we went to the village center but for some reason the people that were walking around that day, were not from the area. So, no help there. We saw a Mailperson and decided to ask him. And he was so helpful. He said, that there's a Dave in this house, he gave us the name of the house and added that if it's not the right Dave then the people in that house could possibly point us to the right house. So, we drove back to the street and found the house and knew it was the right house since there were 2 LR's in his driveway and one in his garage.
Posted by
3:17 AM
Mar 11, 2005
Now, I know.
I wrote before how people are looking at me funny while I stand in the corner waiting for M's school bus. Now, I know why.
A couple of days ago, while waiting for M, there was a car who was driving by me ever so slowly. I have been started not looking at cars anymore, so I didn't pay attention to it, until it almost fully stopped in front of me. I looked up and the driver was frantically waving at me. Oh, it's my landlady, smiled, and waved to her, too.
Yesterday, the landlady came by to give us a package that came in for us.
LL: So, do you drink?
Me: Huh?
LL: Oh, that wasn't you that I saw yesterday?
Me: At the corner, yeah, that was me.
LL: I thought you just came out of the pub.
By now, I'm really confused. And then, I realized, Oh yeah, the pub is at the corner.
Me: Oh... No, I was just waiting for my daughter. That's her bus stop.
LL: I was just thinking, that you got around fast. I haven't been to that pub since we moved here.
Which made me think, maybe that's why people are looking at me funny. They think I just came out of pub AT 3 PM.
Posted by
4:33 AM
Mar 10, 2005
I am a good driver.
Really, I am! It's the parking that's a problem. I can't do parallel parking. After, maybe 10 reverses & forwards, I'd get the vehicle in the spot. But, I try to avoid it. Think about it, where do you usually need to parallel park? In the street. So, if you were the car behind me as I'm trying to parallel park. You'd probably cuss me to hell.
Here's my newest parking dilemma. Our house's garage is bay-style. And every car length there's a post. I would usually pull in. Once, I thought I'd back in. Checked my left side view mirror, I see the post and I have a lot of room. Checked the right side view mirror, and same thing. Checked my rear view mirror, "What the... Why is that post in the middle of the car??" Did the left & right mirror check again, and thought, yeah I have enough room. Looked in my rear view mirror, that deng post is still in the middle.
By now, G, who was waiting in the other car for me to park so he can park, is looking at me like, what ARE you doing? I shrugged with this really confused look in my face. He got out of the car and started laughing. He then said, get out of the car. I got out of the car and this is what I saw:
There really was a post in the middle and that's why I have a lot of room on both sides. Stuck my tongue out at G and said, "You park it." HMPH!
But, the really embarrasing parking moment that I have was when I went to the insurance company to report an accident. There was a question where it goes, "At the moment of impact, what was the speed of your vehicle?" And I said 2 mph. The interviewer gave me a HUH! look and I said, yeah, I was trying to park and I hit a parked car. And then, they asked me to draw the accident:
Posted by
3:52 AM
Mar 9, 2005
Movies over the weekend, Carolina, Cellular, and Conspiracy Theory. Hey, look, they all start with C. Last week it was movies based on books. That's weird.
I like Julia Stiles so I just have to watch Carolina, even though the back jacket sounded lame. "What would you do if you meet the boy of your dream twice?" or something like that. It was OK. Kinda lame but acceptable in the feel-good movies category.
Now, Cellular was a totally lame movie. I got it for G, after all I'm gonna torture him with a lame chickflick. G hated it. We kept giving each other this Duh!-look everytime the movie comes up with some stupid "twists" in the movie.
Conspiracy Theory was on TV and since I haven't really sat long enough to watch that movie and since nothing else was on, I watched it. I love Julia Roberts, but not in this kind of roles.
Posted by
3:44 AM
Mar 8, 2005
I love to travel.
When we found out that we will be stationed here, I bought myself a Europe Travel Guide. I have a list of the countries I want to see. France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium & Luxemberg.
Our plan was for the first year, we'll travel around UK first and then for the 2nd & 3rd year, other european countries. We've explored England & Wales, I can even say I've been to the most southern & most western point of England, also I've been to the highest peak of UK where you can see the 5 kingdoms. But really when we were there, all we saw was the mists of Avalon. We're planning to visit Scotland & Northern Ireland this year and fingers crossed, Guernsey Island, any one of the Channel Island.
With how things are going, it looks like we won't be able to visit all the countries that I want to see after all. But, I still have hope. G wants to go cross-country in the Land Rover. We're thinking of doing this, April or May 2006. Take a whole month off and just drive all over Europe. Well, not all over, but hopefully we'll hit all the countries I listed above.
Lastly, we're hoping that we'll get another European base for our next station. Ideally, we'd like Italy but chances of us getting that are slim, we have a better chance of getting Germany, so that's what we're shooting for. If that happens, I will definitely get to see all of them.
I have one problem, I have this thing. I want to have a tattoo for every country I've been. I have 2 right now. One around my ring finger and pegasus on my upper left thigh. I'm still thinking about the England tattoo but I have a France tattoo in my mind, a small purple heart on my right inner wrist. So, if I do get to visit all these countries, I will end up with 10 tattoos.
Posted by
2:40 AM
Mar 7, 2005
First off, I've been fixing up the house. I was so in the mood over the weekend, my kitchen now looks presentable, I have even made that skirt for under the counter to hide unsightly stuff. I've altered the drapes for our bedroom, so my bedroom is almost done. M's bedroom is almost done as well, just need to take out those useless pieces of furniture out of her bedroom. The main area just needs window treatment. I had an idea but it didn't look right. Back to the drawing board for that one.
Now, for the to do list that I wrote last night. Yipee! It's done.
1. Emailed the invitation to my A & P for review, etc.
2. Posted a sorta long entry at M's blog.
3. For A & M's itinerary (there sis, right spelling)I'm thinking London for 3 days, 1 day is not enough. Then, Stratford-upon-Avon (Shakespeare's birthplace), Oxford (Cambridge is closer but Oxford is more popular, right?) York, I want to take them to the Lake District but it's too far and maybe hop on over to Isle of Man. Also, maybe they want to see where Pooh Bear was born (not literally), and if time & money permits, visit Wales or Scotland, go to St. Andrew's (the Prince is studying here, is he still there?) or maybe Windsor Castle & Eton. I wonder if they want to go to Legoland. Sis, is this too much or add some more places to visit? Speak now or forever hold your... what were you supposed to hold, your peace?
4. Checked out Guernsey Island - 99 GBP for 3 nights including hotel room and car shipping. Not bad, not bad at all. Scotland was like 129.
5. Joined DILO and bloggers at flickr, the next DILO is on 21 March
All this hard work...
Posted by
5:51 AM
Mar 6, 2005
i can't sleep...
I went to put M to sleep and I fell asleep with her. I woke up at around 11 and I've been tossing & turning and it's now 1:10 am and I was just not falling asleep anytime soon. Too many things going thru my head. Only one thing to do, write things down so I can do them tomorrow. And so here I am, with my to do list:
1. Write invitation letter for Mom
2. Blog about M's weekend
3. Plan A & M's itenirary
4. Check out Gourney Island
5. Join DILO & Bloggers group in Flickr
There was a to be a lot more going thru earlier but they went poof. So, now I'm just chatting with A & P. I should go back to sleep.
Posted by
7:06 PM
Mar 4, 2005
It started snowing while M and I were waiting for the school bus.
It's 8:56 now and it's still going and it doesn't look like it's not going to stop anytime soon. Big deal right, some people might have a blizzard going on right now but the thing is I've wished and wished for snow since January and although we finally got snow last week, it never stayed long enough for M to play with it. This looks promising. I just hope that more will come and stay overnight so she can play with it tomorrow in the morning before her karate class.
The bus stop. It's not a bus stop, it's a T-intersection and since the bus stops there, it is, therefore, a bus stop. Our village lies in the middle of 8 other town/village so that intersection is pretty busy. In the morning, I don't feel such a weirdo standing in the corner but in the afternoon, I feel so weird. I stand in the corner in front of the pub under the sign. I see people driving by and looking at me strangely and no, it's not paranoia in my part, they do look at me funny. I wish there was some other person standing there with me waiting for their kid but no, it's just me. I counted cars yesterday while waiting for M, in 7 minutes, there were 35 cars/bus/trucks that passed.
I have memorized the regulars in the intersection, too. Shuttle van #51, then Mildenhall bus, then Brandon bus, the Evening News van, Bus #46, and finally M's bus. Oh, forgot, there's that old lady with her dog, too. We'd exchange a line or so.
Since our house lies in the outskirt of the village, I have to drive M to the bus stop, it takes me 3 to 5 minutes to reach it. No, I'm not lazy, we just can't walk because #1 - our road has a national speed limit which is 60 mph, #2 - that road doesn't have a sidewalk and although I see people walking (twice now since we moved) I am not putting my child in a possible accident, and #3 - although it takes me 3 minutes to drive there, it would probably take me 20 minutes to walk to the bus stop.
It's 9:14 now and it stopped snowing, i hope it's not going to melt, I doubt it.
Posted by
2:56 AM
Mar 3, 2005
movies seen last weekend:
Vanity Fair and The Notebook.
I shouldn't have read the books.
I didn't even finish The Notebook.
Posted by
2:33 AM
Mar 2, 2005
It's not that I consciously collect things but...
I seem to have a lot of stuff right now. I grew up in a house filled with knick-knacks. It's so bad that you can't move without knocking something over. That's an exaggeration. Well, you get my drift. So, I vowed not to buy these kinds of things, things that is of no use and just sits there looking all pretty while collectiong dusts. And it's not that bad really, but, if I keep buying stuff, it will get to that point since I find it so hard to let go of things, especially if it was a gift.
Whenever we go on a trip, we end up buying these souvenir things. So, I made an executive decision, the only things that we will buy from these gift shops are the fridge magnet and postcard. M still gets to buy one thing, though. And usually it's a toy.
Another thing, books. My bookcase is starting to overflow. 2nd time actually, I have my pocketbooks on the computer armoire. I was gonna go thru it and donate it somewhere but I just couldn't bear to part with my books. Not my books, please.
Stemware, same as my mom, she has a thing with stemware and I think I inherited it. It started when we moved here. I bought this cabinet, it's not a china cabinet, it's more like a bar cabinet really, anyways, so since it was so empty, I bought a couple here and there and now it's full. So, the only way I can buy new stemware is if
1. They're really pretty
2. It's priced reasonably
3. I have to get rid of something else
Picture frames, I dont know why but I have a lot of picture frames in my house. Journals, I love to write but it's becoming a thing with me now, when I see a journal I like, I buy it. Bookmarkers, too. These are little things, but the do add up and become one box or two.
It's funny how 9 years ago, I only have a suitcase to my name and now...
Posted by
3:44 AM
Mar 1, 2005
an unbloggable day ... (is that even a word?)
Hay! Lazy, lazy weather. So bleak, so gray, so... Well, the carpet cleaner left my house in a chaos, I have speakers on top of the coffeetable, blocking the TV armoire. Just when I had everything arranged, this is no easy task by the way, G had to move the seats & couch several times before we agreed on an arrangement. G said, well, at least now, we know where everything should be. Another big sigh.
Since I can't rearrange the living areas just yet, I have started on M's bedroom. It's almost done, just taking a break from that and decided to post an entry but nothing came to mind so I'm just going to type as fast as the thoughts comes.
It's gonna be one jumbled-up post. You've been warned.
To do:
1. Alter green drapes for bedroom
2. Make valance for living area, a total of 4 windows (I have a fabric in mind but I don't know if I have enough)
3. Make skirts for the kitchen counter
4. Arrange my closet and somewhat make more room for my clothes (G's uniforms and sweaters are occupying a quarter of it and M's dresses and sweaters another quarter and it's not a big closet)
5. Organize the linen closet
6. Organize storage
That's not a whole lot. Maybe in a month, I can say, I am settled. I'm still here in the kitchen as I want to make sure that the carpet is fully dry before putting stuff back in their places.
Ooohhhh, went to furniture yesterday and I found 3 things I want to buy. A desk, TV stand/armoire, shelf for DVDs. And, there was this bookcase that I've been eyeing for a month now. Went to that store yesterday and the store was gone. =( G said that he asked the other store if they know what happened to that store and they said that they sold most of their stuff and they don't know when they will be coming back.
I should wait for the May Bazaar maybe they have good deals. I got M's desk at the bazaar and I'm still happy with that purchase. But it's so faraway and I want to buy it now. Patience is a virtue. I keep telling myself that. But look what happened to the bookcase now it's gone. It wasn't meant for me. But it was so nice. Yep, that was a monologue. That's what usually goes thru my head when I want to buy something but not sure.
Which reminds me of this purse. Since getting back from pinas, I've been looking for a purse, which reminds me I should cash Dad's check, it's March already. Back to the purse, so, every weekend we go to the store and I'd look at the purse section and I end up not getting one. So, 3 weekends ago, finally, I found a purse that I want but the lines were way too long and I really didn't want to waste my weekend in the line, so decided to go back next weekend. You guessed it, it was gone!!!
Deng! That was a really long post. I should go back and finish M's bedroom before she gets home from school...
Posted by
6:43 AM