Apr 5, 2005

I think I have a lot of time in my hand.

In my goal list, I am actively working on 5 goals and that is 1) Take a pic and post to flickr everyday for the whole month of April, 2) Watch top 100 movies 3) Lose weight, 4) Save money and lastly 5) Be more organized.

For #1, the hard thing is finding a subject, but I'm glad I'm doing this. I am constantly on the look-out for something to photograph and I am noticing a lot of things around me.

#2, I'm forcing myself to watch movies that I would never watch. I am partial to feel-good movies and try to stay away from heavy drama even though I know they are good. I haven't seen Schindler's List and The Pianist. I stayed away from Cast Away even though I like Tom Hanks.

#3, no need to elaborate on this one.

#4, everything is in place, all I need now is time.

#5, the procastinator in me is making this goal unachievable (is that a word?), I only have one area in my house which needs work on but I'd rather sit right here, typing away.


Anonymous said...

i've seen cast away and i was really depressed. i think it's a good movie but i would never in my life watch it again.

Anonymous said...

macky and i checked the 100 list and i only saw 16 while mr movie guy saw 58.
the pianist, just watch it. i won't dare watch it again. we owe it to the people who suffered to really know their story. i think it's worth getting depressed for a month.

mitzi said...

Cast away is the first movie Meg cried to, she cried when Wilson drifted away from the raft. I think she was 4 when we saw it. Argh! BigMac saw more movie than me.