Apr 29, 2005

The other night I dreamt I couldn't sleep.

I remember telling G "Back to back". This is one of our sleeping positions if I have problems going to sleep. That's all I remembered. But, apparently, it didn't end there. According to G, this is what happened.

He was turning over when I said "back to back" and so he turned his back to me. And then I said, "This is not working, we have to switch sides. Trust me. I'll make it worth your while." So, he got up, sat at the end of the bed and wondered to himself what I'm thinking. I rolled to his side of the bed and by the time he laid down, I was snoring. That's when he realized, I was talking on my sleep again.

Last night, G said that when he came home, he heard me singing in my sleep. And it wasn't just a line, I was singing when he opened the door, got changed, and he could still hear me singing when he went to M's bedroom to kiss her good night. I must be dreaming I'm in a concert or maybe a karaoke bar.

Apr 28, 2005

The reason I haven't been posting as much lately is...

... my new schedule. I've been driving M to school instead of her taking the bus to school because 1. she doesn't have to wake up at 6:20 instead she can wake up at 7:00, 2. the bus picks her up at 7:23 and school starts at 8:10, thats 43 minutes travel time compared to 20 minutes if I drive her. (It's about 15 minutes but with the line at the gate makes it about 20.)

And since I'm at the base, might as well stop by the gym and workout. Yes, I've been working out for 45 minutes since Monday, everyday. I get back from base around 9:30 and by the time I get done shower and change, it's time to do some chores and then lunch and then my spanish lessons.

Another reason why I don't have time to mess around the internet lately is, I'm helping G with the land rover. He's repairing the bulk head and I'm helping him. =) You should see me, I have cover-alls, gloves, & headset (since were drilling and just protecting my ears). I look like a real mechanic.

Last reason, M has been playing in the computer when she gets home. She kicks me out of the computer. The only internet time that I have are spent checking email. I have to pencil blog time in my sked. Hahaha.

Apr 27, 2005

Just our luck!

I came home from grocery shopping and found a guy in suit walking around, voice recorder in hand and camera on the other. He looks very much like a realtor to me. I asked G if he knew about the guy and said that our landlord was just talking to him and asked if the realtor can come inside our house and take some measurements.

We asked the realtor if our landlord is planning to sell the house. And he said that they are thinking of selling the property but since it's such a unique property that it would take longer than usual to sell it. And that we needn't worry as it will be sold as a business. So, if somebody does buy it, chances are we could stay.

There's a lot of cons to this. 1) We don't know what the future landlord will be like. 2) What if they decide to increase the rental and so on and so forth. I shouldn't think that far ahead but I can't help it, we still have a year left here in UK and we have moved 3 times as it is. I really don't want to move again.

Apr 22, 2005

I like compact multifunctional gadgets.

That's why I love my laptop. It's almost everything in one. You got a CD player, a DVD player, a computer and of course your window to the wide world of web. It can be your radio, your newspaper and even TV. I could spend hours in the internet.

I would have bought a PSP when it came out, unfortunately, it doesn't come with a camera, if it did, I would have been first in line. But if it did, it's perfect. Imagine, a game console, an mp3 player, you can even watch movies on it. As long as the screen size doesn't bother you.

G on the other hand wants a gadget for every function. He's got a digital camera that plays mp3. He has a Zire and it has a camera and plays mp3 but he said that camera doesn't really take that good of a picture and the battery life is not really suitable for playing mp3s. Thus, he needs an mp3 player, he's got one but I'm using it since I don't have a portable mp3 player. I do but it's not compact, it's about a size of a CD case. Actually, it's a CD player but it plays mp3s.

I wish there's an mp3 player with at least 10 gig that's also a camera with 3.2 megapixel and a cell phone about the size of a pack of gum that costs about $250. Now, THAT'S wishful thinking.

Apr 21, 2005

Being a parent, I've always thought that I won't push M, that I will not project onto her my frustrations. But, sometimes I wish my mom did push me, piano lessons, dance and tennis. I remembered my cousin, she would be playing the piano while the rest of us were out playing and I never thought about her missing out on childhood and I never thought to ask my mom if I could have piano lessons but I didn't and so now here I am wishing I did.

So, for M, I thought that I would show her what's out there and if she wants to do it, well and good but if she doesn't, she doesn't. Right? But how much motivation is enough motivation. Or I should say, when does motivation stop and pushing begins? It seems a very thin line to me. She's been saying she wants to quit gymnastics and I said after this month you can stop. But, I still keep asking her if she's sure she wants to quit. Seems like a shame if she should stop now.

Apr 19, 2005

I had a dream last night.

I dreamt that I was writing something but I can't seem to recall what the dream was about. I read somewhere that some people would actually have a pen and paper by their side so that when they do dream about something, they write it down so as not to forget the dream.

I've also seen this documentary about this man who wrote an entire novel based on his dream. It didn't happen overnight, it was a series of dreams, I guess. I just remembered the novel, it was Dr. Hyde and Mr. Jekyll.

And speaking of documentaries, I was watching this one about the American Spelling Bee. There was this girl and I forgot her word but as soon as she heard her word her eyes starts welling up. You can tell, theat she doesn't know the word. And the harder she thinks of the word the more she looks like she's about to cry. By the time she was spelling she was crying. Not sob-cry but more like tears-streaming-down-her-face type. I felt so sorry for her. Just looking at her gave me an idea of the tension inside her. She wants to get the word right so bad. She got that word right but later on she got disqualified. I wanted her to win so bad.

Another thing that made me feel so sorry for her was while the other contestants flew in to Washington with their family and staying at a hotel, she just took the subway to get to the venue by herself. How sad is that?

Apr 18, 2005


I'm back on track. I've been sick last week and it was a challenge trying to blog. Anyways, M was always on the computer, too and trying to kick her out of it is just way too much work. She's back in school and I have the computer all to myself.

I've been ripping my CDs, I don't have a massive collection but still it's taking forever. I'm currently at letter S and I have a lot of artists that starts with S and of course, there's Sting. What else have I been doing last week? Nothing much, mostly just sleeping. I can't read for too long or watch movies. I did watch probably 1 movie per day.

My currently-working-on goals got sacrificed big time over the week so this week I start yet again. Number 1 priority is losing weight. I've decided that it's high time to crank it up a notch, starting this week it will be hit the gym and work out 3 times a week for at least an hour. Wish me luck!

Apr 10, 2005

I hate being sick.

*sniff* *cough*

Apr 8, 2005

I found this website. It's like a support group for SHEs (Side-tracked Home Executive) like me. It's pretty interesting. If you sign up with their group, you get this reminders of things that needs to be done, i.e. where's your laundry. I admit, I'm a procastinator. And the biggest thing that side-tracks me is the computer, so now, when I'm messing about the computer, I get these reminders.

Among other things, it asks you to make a before bedtime routine and morning routine. The one important thing in the before bedtime routine is to shine your sink. I've been doing that for 3 nights now and it really does make a lot of difference to the kitchen. My kitchen looks immaculate. (Well, half of my kitchen, the half that is visible from the living room.) Plus, the other day, when M got home from school, she said, Wow! This looks really nice. Even G is making an effort not to mess up the kitchen, and I didn't have to ask him.

Apr 7, 2005


Yes, I'm really mad. We got our utilities bill today and it's way sky-high. It's highway robbery. Our gas consumption from the time we moved in to the end of March is 173 pounds. And that's just outrageous. We've talked to everybody concerned and it boils down to this, we used up that much for last month. Time to change our way of life. I just can't have the heater on all day. But this house is SOO cold, though. At least, spring's here and summer's just around the corner. We checked how much we've used up since last reading and we used up 13 pounds worth of gas, and we're only 7 days into the month. I guess, we're just gonna have to turn off the heater and wear sweaters inside the house.


Apr 5, 2005

I think I have a lot of time in my hand.

In my goal list, I am actively working on 5 goals and that is 1) Take a pic and post to flickr everyday for the whole month of April, 2) Watch top 100 movies 3) Lose weight, 4) Save money and lastly 5) Be more organized.

For #1, the hard thing is finding a subject, but I'm glad I'm doing this. I am constantly on the look-out for something to photograph and I am noticing a lot of things around me.

#2, I'm forcing myself to watch movies that I would never watch. I am partial to feel-good movies and try to stay away from heavy drama even though I know they are good. I haven't seen Schindler's List and The Pianist. I stayed away from Cast Away even though I like Tom Hanks.

#3, no need to elaborate on this one.

#4, everything is in place, all I need now is time.

#5, the procastinator in me is making this goal unachievable (is that a word?), I only have one area in my house which needs work on but I'd rather sit right here, typing away.

Apr 1, 2005

Happy April Fool's Day!

I thought I'd mess with G today and so when he got home this morning I told him I bought a PSP and his reaction was, Which 2 games did you get? Not the reaction I was hoping for and so I said, also I finally got that iPod. Still, no reaction. And I bought that Zire 72 with GPS pack. Now I know you're lying. What? He continued with I know you will not spend that much money on one day.

I have to think of a better prank for him.