Dec 13, 2005

"Hey, hun, bad news... they want me to go on a trip" G says, but I'm suspicious, I bet he wants to go.

"When does it leave?" I'm just worried, Christmas is fast approaching and although we have no plans, it would be nice to be spending Christmas together this year.

"Thursday, for 5 days, I should be back on Tuesday." They (meaning supervision) always say that but most of the time, it gets extended. Long pause. I'm getting annoyed now because G never thinks about these things.

"What do you want from me?"

"I was just wondering if we had plans that I forgot about." He wants me to think that he doesn't really want to go and maybe he can get off it if I can think of reasons why he can't go. Long pause.

"Well, you have those things on EBay."

"That's right. Maybe, I can just tell the buyer to pick it up next weekend." I knew it! He does want to go.

"On Christmas weekend???" I'm just being difficult now. He should just have came out and said it in the first place. How hard is it to say, there's this trip and I want to go. Of course, I'd get all upset but it won't last long.

"I don't know." He's just being petty now. Long pause.

"Never mind." He's sounding all annoyed. Like, it's my fault that he can't go. He such a baby sometimes.

"Never mind what?"

"I'll talk to them and see if they can stick somebody else."

"Where are you?"

"At work." I checked the time, it's 9:30, he gets off work at 7:30.

"What are you still doing at work?" I hate it when he stays at work longer than he has to. It's not like he gets paid overtime! See, if he left at 7:30 like he was supposed to, then, supervision wouldn't have found him just hanging out there. They would have called him and I would have been right there when he took the call and I would have said, hey, you got those things on EBay and he would have told them so and they would have found somebody else to go take the trip. BUT...

"They asked me to do some stuff on the aircraft, I should be home in an hour." More like 2 hours.

"Is there anything else?" Now, I'm really irritated.

"No, that's it. I'll see you in a bit."

Maybe, I'm just being such a brat.

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