Dec 12, 2005

Don't get me wrong, I love my G5 (yes, it's officially mine now) but...

It has this white indicator light about the size of a dime at the bottom right corner that comes on when you turn it off and when you put it to sleep, the light pulsates. Not a fast blink, about a 5-second interval blink, it goes dark then slowly brightens up. The problem is when I it's bedtime. Man, oh man, It's very annoying! (Yeah, I find digital clocks annoying too with their bright red or green LED lights.)

I guess, I wasn't the only that got all bothered about this since about a couple of months ago when I checked for software updates, there it was, the solution to my problem. I quickly downloaded the upgrade and now the indicator light dims at night time! Now, I can have a good night sleep. It's kinda funny how they released an upgrade for such a minor thing but hey, who am I to complain, now I don't have to prop a CD case in front of it AND I have a night light now.

Good night.

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