May 3, 2005

Last night, I baked pan de sal.

It was pretty good. It didn't looked or tasted much like one but as a bread it was pretty good. M and G said it was OK. I'll try again later today. This time, I will follow the instructions to the dot. G said when will I try making a loaf, I said, when I'm satisfied with my pan de sal, I'll move on to a baguette.

Speaking of food, I weighed myself yesterday. ARGH! I didn't lose a single pound! But, I have my fingers crossed (it's that time of the month), I'll check again next week. I'm still exercising, that's the important part. Right? Right!

It's funny, I don't know where my free time went. I barely have time to mess around in the internet, I haven't started reading the book I borrowed from the library last Friday and I still have a movie I haven't seen that I got last Saturday.

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