May 25, 2005

I miss blogging.

It's not that I'm running out of material. At night, before I go to sleep, I think of things to post but when it's time to post, my mind just goes ... blank. I wonder if that's what happens when they say they have writer's block. I really don't want to say I have a writer's block since I'm not really a writer, a blogger's block then.

I am so out of loop when it comes to celebrities going ons that I was so surprised when I saw Tom Cruise kissing Katie Holmes' forehead on the cover of the magazine. I guess, they're an item now. Yesterday, at the gym, they had the Oprah show on and Tom Cruise was the guest. And, he was just jumping up on the sofa everytime Oprah mentions Katie's name. Anyways, so I was watching the show when all of a sudden, the TV lost the signal. And I kid you not, there was a collective "argh" in the room. I guess, I'm not the only one watching it.

And speaking of celebrities, there is this celebrity here in the UK, Abi Titmus. I saw her a week ago on a documentary entitled, Abi Titmus: A tale of morality. Apparently, a year ago, she was on one of those reality TV shows and after the show, a sex tape of hers came out without her consent. And then she just went on to become an instant celebrity. I heard on the radio, that she is the most pointless celebrity. She's not an actress, nor is she a fashion model, and she's not really a porn star since she just have that one tape. But she graces the tabloid frequently. Yesterday, the radio station that I listen to asked their female listeners to text in the most annoying celebrity and Abi came out as the no. 1 most annoying celebrity. Right now, she's on TV, another reality TV show. Celebrity Love Island or something like that.

I really don't know the point to the paragraph above.

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