Live from Suisun.
It's 7:13 AM, I haven't adjusted to the time and I hope I won't that way I won't have to adjust when we go home. What have we been up to? EATING. Aunt Girlie picked us up at the airport and we went straight to Red Ribbon for some pancit palabok. We went to her house to meet Pogs. We stayed at her house for a few before heading home. We decided to take Golden Gate instead of Bay Bridge in the hopes that we won't hit as much traffic.
The next day, we went to the outlet for some pizza pucks & shopping. I can't believe Gary got more stuff than I did! Argh. After that, we got some seafood for dinner since it's dad's birhtday! Yummy! Saturday, stayed home and waited for Aymone & Macky to show up and had Adalberto's for lunch. We were gonna eat out but stayed home instead since Dad wanted to watch PacMan's fight. Good thing he won! Go Manny!
Sunday, went to Emeryville for lunch. Gary and I were saying that we would probably go eat at a Chinese buffet somewhere but we were wrong. Aymone & Pogs suggested this chinese place and it was yum. Then, drove home to Aymone's and stayed the night. We had Jack in the Box for dinner.
Aymone & Macky's place is really nice. And we opened our Christmas present. Thanks. Monday, we ate at Chevy's. Gary was so torn that he ended up getting a little bit of everything. I had the fajita. Drove back to Suisun later that day.
Tuesday, we went to Monterey. Whale watching! That was awesome. I wish I had the gift of words so I can describe exactly how great it was but I can't. One word, WOW! We saw some dolphins, too.
Wednesday, stayed home and organized the garage. Today, we're driving back to Aymone's and tomorrow we'll be driving down to Vegas. VIVA LAS VEGAS!
Jan 26, 2006
Jan 18, 2006
Jan 12, 2006
Maybe I just need to find something else to occupy my time.
Things I'm obsessing about cali trip, future house, & euro trip. Talked to G about euro trip and he just had one question, "I thought we don't have money." Yeah, but we can just borrow it from the money we get when we sell the truck (that's counting-the-chicks-before-hatching talk right there!) He just shook his head but he did with a smile so I went ahead and researched.
This is what I have so far, Eurail - 5 bordering countries for 10 day is $568 per adult & $284 for kids. Now for the countries: France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Switzerland & BeNeLux. That's 6 countries, I have to give up 1 but which one! France & Italy are musts, BeNeLux cause I get 3 out of 1! So, I have to give up either Spain, Germany or Switzerland. Then, we only have 2 days per country, have to choose which cities carefully. I have to confer with A and see what she says. I wonder if she'll go with us? Hahahaha. Or... maybe P will go with us. He did say he'll come visit us and this will be his last chance. Last chance P, what do you say?
Good thing that M's spring break is 10 days, we'll just have to do it during that time period. I wonder if prices will differ?
Posted by
3:30 AM
Jan 10, 2006
What is your true color?
Your color is black. The color of night (and the color of my skin). Serene and mysterious (tahimik lang...), black conjures up images of elegant evening gowns, dashing tuxedos, and gleaming limousines (hanggang sa panaginip lang). Traditionally a symbol of success, black also represents power and an uncompromising demand for perfection. Not surprisingly, you tend to set challenging goals for yourself (hindi naman) and do whatever it takes to achieve them (grabe naman, sobra naman yang whatever it takes, I do have limits!) — your strength of character is second to none. This unfaltering determination (it keeps faltering nga eh), along with your natural elegance (elegante daw???), impresses people. But keep in mind that your personality might be intimidating to some (talaga?!). Try to temper your demanding side (demanding ba ako?) with a little softness — trust us, it won't kill you. Overall, though, black is the color of professionalism and achievement, which means it's clearly the color for you. (Overall, hindi ata ako eto eh!)
Posted by
2:46 AM
Jan 9, 2006
I should be sleeping right now.
The thing is, M still can't go to sleep on her own. I have to lay down with her and when she's asleep, I sneak out. The problem is, most of the time, I fall asleep with her and wake up after about 15 minutes. I go to my bedroom and try to go back to sleep but I can't.
I start thinking and when I start thinking I can't stop. G's working nights, I don't have anybody to talk to. And so the ideas in my head just keeps growing. Sometimes I get up and start writing, other times I go to the wonderful wide world of web (like right now).
It looks like we're going back to the States. G said that if we were going to another overseas base, we should have received our orders by now. Nothing. We have only 4 more months left here. I can't believe that we still haven't been to Scotland or Ireland. We could still go but there is that money matter and since we're going to Cali...
Our plan was, if we don't get another european base for our next assignment, we will take a month off and drive around Europe. G wants to drive, I don't care, as long as we'll see the rest of Europe. That would mean M would miss a lot of school, she's missing 3 weeks with this Cali trip but traveling around Europe is educational, right? Right.
Now, what to do about money? It's too late to look for a job. I could work for 1 month, hahaha, and hope we will have enough. Or... since we were planning to sell the truck anyways, I could borrow some of that money to go towards our euro-trip and then pay it off when we get to our next base. I really do need to go back to work. We have to start saving money for our dream house in Banganga, hahahaha.
Posted by
4:49 PM
Jan 7, 2006
80's Essential DVD Collection (in no particular order)
1. Labyrinth
2. The Princess Bride
3. My Chauffer
4. Some Kind of Wonderful
5. Sixteen Candles
6. Secret Admirer
7. Say Anything
8. The Breakfast Club
9. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
10. Pretty in Pink
11. La Boum (Ready for Love)
That's all I have right now. NO, I don't own them, not yet. It's a wish list.
Posted by
2:41 PM
Jan 5, 2006
Looking forward to:
1. Adalberto's - california burrito & super nachos
2. Pizza Pucks - minis
3. Chevy's - beef fajita & tomalito
4. Mongolian BBQ
5. Korean BBQ - bulgoki
6. Jack in the Box - sourdough
7. Trader Joe's - mochi balls
8. Jamba Juice
9. Lechon & durian
Yeah, that's all food. No wonder I'm getting so fat. I have to lose weight before heading out since I know I will gain weight.
Posted by
2:25 AM
Jan 4, 2006
We got our plane tickets yesterday. We'll be in CA on 19 Jan up to 8 Feb. We're so excited!
Posted by
4:53 PM
Jan 3, 2006
It was nice.
We spent the last hours of 2005 at a friend's house. For the first time, tayo-tayo lang was just that, a few people. 4 other couple showed up, kids in tow. M had a blast playing with the other kids, G wasn't so bored since the husbands were there, too and me, it felt like I was back in PI, even if it was just for a few hours.
We ate, drank, and sang to our hearts' content. I got 100 on 2 songs. YIPEE!!!(babaw) On one song though, Shaun, Nelly's husband was saying, "Hey, I helped you with that one." Shaun, he speaks Tagalog! It's so funny listening to him. He even sang a couple of Tagalog songs. Anak & something by Jessa Zaragoza (hahaha!!) Something that goes "parang di ko kaya yata" I forgot the rest of the lyrics. Oh, I just remembered the title "Bakit pa?" And then he was telling G about the old wive's tales back home, like saying "tabi tabi po". He knows about the ahas in Robinson's and how Alice Dixson got paid however much money because she saw the ahas. hahahaha. It's so funny hearing these stories from the perspective of foreigners.
Yeah, it was a pretty good ending to a good year.
Posted by
2:59 PM
Jan 1, 2006
I'm finding myself contemplating about what I've become versus what I wanted to be. Yeah, not quite the same. I wanted to be a lot of things, do a lot of things, and learn a lot of things. I sound like an over-achiever whatever. So, in honor of my past self I will try to accomplish some of these.
The list
1. Learn to scuba dive
2. Own a motorbike
3. Learn to ride a horse
4. Parasail
5. Hot air ballooning
6. master every weapon known to man
7. multi-lingual
8. travel the world
9. go to the great barrier
10. drive really, really fast
11. off-roading
12. mountain climbing
13. martial art expert
14. painter or photographer
15. piano
16. violin
17. sail around the world
18. learn survival skills
19. learn to read lips & hands
20. fly a plane
Back then, there were a lot of things hindering my wants in life, money, time & of course parental consent (I think my mom would have a problem with #6). But now my life is my own, well not quite. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to do all these things so I will modify.
Let's see:
1. Learn to scuba dive - not this year maybe on my next visit to Davao. I did snorkel last time with A & M and it was fun. Yeah, maybe next time.
2. Own a motorbike - another one that will not happen this year. It is not just practical.
3. Learn to ride a horse - maybe Meg will do this for me instead, I wouldn't mind just trying it out, though.
4. Parasail - some other time. (I'm beginning to see a pattern here).
5. Hot air balloning - too expensive. Maybe on our 10th year anniversary we'll do something like this.
6. Master every weapon known to man - ok, this is not happening, I'm changing it to know selfdefense.
7. Multi-lingual - I'm bi-lingual right now so if I ever learn french & spanish then I can call myself multi.
8. Travel the world - maybe not the world but I can say I've been to 3 continents, that's not bad.
9. Go to the great barrier reef - maybe on our 10th year anniversary, we can do this along with hot air balloning.
10. Drive really, really fast - I think I wanted to be a racecar driver back then, I'll be happy if I can go-karting instead.
11. Off-roading - wow! I have 1 in my list that I have actually done.
12. Mountain climbing - I have done a little back in Cali but it's not really a roughing-it-type mountain climbing.
13. Martial art express - see #6.
14. Painter or photographer - I'm doing some sketching right now. I'm improving I'm no Macky, though. I know there's a photography class offered here maybe I can do that.
15. Piano - can I still do this? Am I too old?
16. Violin - see above.
17. Sail around the world - what am I thinking! I don't see this happening in the near future.
18. Learn survival skills - oh, I still want to do this one. How do I do this, though?
19. Learn to read lips & hands - another thing that I still want to do.
20. Fly a plane - I still want to do this. Back in Cali, I found a place for this but it was too expensive.
So, for my new year's resolution - learn a new skill and do something I haven't done before.
Posted by
8:01 AM