My mom would be so proud of me.
I'm not a big fan of pancit but I haven't had one in 5 months so yesterday I tried to cook some. Anyhow, I looked for a recipe for pancit canton and found one. Hmmm, it needs chicken. I don't have chicken. Maybe, I can use ground beef. I don't have cabbage or celery. Wait, I got carrots, maybe that will work. I wonder why we need to soak the noodles? Oh well, don't have time for that. I don't have chicken broth. I guess, I just have to add some water and soy sauce. Viola! I got me a pancit canton with ground beef and carrots. Tastes like Mami. I should have put eggs. Yep, my mom would be so proud of my experiment.
But, my dad would say, "Ano to???"
May 27, 2005
May 26, 2005
Maybe I just miss my brother.
I saw Jet Li's Hero on the rental shelf the other day and decided to rent it. Last night, I watched it. It's a beautiful movie. Watching that movie, reminded me of my younger days, when we'd go to my aunt's movie house and watch chinese movies, subtitle and all. Although, in the old chinese movies, they would call out the names of their move when they do it, like, "crouching tiger" or something like that.
Towards the end of the movie, when Snow killed Sword, I could almost hear my brother say, "Praning!"
Posted by
5:06 AM
May 25, 2005
I miss blogging.
It's not that I'm running out of material. At night, before I go to sleep, I think of things to post but when it's time to post, my mind just goes ... blank. I wonder if that's what happens when they say they have writer's block. I really don't want to say I have a writer's block since I'm not really a writer, a blogger's block then.
I am so out of loop when it comes to celebrities going ons that I was so surprised when I saw Tom Cruise kissing Katie Holmes' forehead on the cover of the magazine. I guess, they're an item now. Yesterday, at the gym, they had the Oprah show on and Tom Cruise was the guest. And, he was just jumping up on the sofa everytime Oprah mentions Katie's name. Anyways, so I was watching the show when all of a sudden, the TV lost the signal. And I kid you not, there was a collective "argh" in the room. I guess, I'm not the only one watching it.
And speaking of celebrities, there is this celebrity here in the UK, Abi Titmus. I saw her a week ago on a documentary entitled, Abi Titmus: A tale of morality. Apparently, a year ago, she was on one of those reality TV shows and after the show, a sex tape of hers came out without her consent. And then she just went on to become an instant celebrity. I heard on the radio, that she is the most pointless celebrity. She's not an actress, nor is she a fashion model, and she's not really a porn star since she just have that one tape. But she graces the tabloid frequently. Yesterday, the radio station that I listen to asked their female listeners to text in the most annoying celebrity and Abi came out as the no. 1 most annoying celebrity. Right now, she's on TV, another reality TV show. Celebrity Love Island or something like that.
I really don't know the point to the paragraph above.
Posted by
5:02 AM
May 24, 2005
After reading Red Dragon and Silence of the Lamb, I read Hannibal. I've read it before. I don't recall reading it. Am I getting old?
I got the scare of my life, Sunday. I was standing on chair, looking at the pantry for something to make for breakfast. I stepped down from the chair and that's when it happened. I twisted my left knee. AGAIN. I've always had problems with my left knee. Anyways, I am so traumatized with my left knee that whenever something's off with it, it just buckles and gives way. No way am I going to put pressure on it if I think that I'm going to twist it.
So, I fell. And my left knee was just way too painful. So, as I'm laying there. Megan comes running to the kitchen and asks me if I'm OK. And that's when it hit me. What if it was worse? What am I going to do? I could ask M to call 999 and then what?
So, after I got up, the next thing I did was connect the cordless phone. I was limping the rest of Sunday. Good thing when I woke up Monday, it was just a little sore.
Posted by
4:55 AM
May 17, 2005
I'm reading Thomas Harris' Red Dragon and Silence of the Lamb.
I get spook really easy. I don't watch horror films. I try not to watch suspense thriller by myself. And yet I find myself reading this book. I think reading a book is way much better than watching a movie. The book takes you inside the character. It tells you how they feel, what they're thinking and so on. A movie, however, is subject to the actors', or screenwriters', or directors' interpretation of the book. I sometimes think, it's been tainted of what they think versus what the author's thought was in the first place.
I've seen Silence of the Lamb. Anthony Hopkins potrayed Hannibal Lechter really well. You can just feel how evil Lechter is. Hello, Clarice. Now, that I'm reading the book, I picture Dr. Lechter in the movie.
Anyways, I read before going to bed and then step outside when I'm ready for bed. For the last couple of nights now, as I'm sitting outside, my imagation starts working overtime. I start thinking about the characters in the book. What if they were real? What if one of them is out there watching me? Planning to kill me? And then I run inside the house. Lock the door. Check it twice. Leave a light on and sleep with M in her bedroom.
Reading this book while G is gone is not a good idea. But, having started reading it, I just have to finish it. That way I know that in the end, they got caught and now they're dead or in prison. And so, there's no way for them to be out in the yard, planning to kill me.
Posted by
5:00 AM
May 12, 2005
Name the song title of these lyrics.
1) all the things you do to me and all the things you said
2) don't think that we don't know, don't think that we're not trying
3) In my life, why do I give valuable time to people who don't care if I...
4) I dont know where I am but I know I dont like it, I open my mouth and something spiteful
5) remember that piano so delightful, unusual, that classic sensation, sentimental confusion
6) im not sure all this people understand, it's not like years ago, the fear of being caught
7) i get out of bed at half past ten, phone up a friend who's a party animal
8) if you think i'm magical, cause roses bloom with my touch
9) having learned my lesson I never left an impression on anyone
10) I want to be with you be with you night and day
11) there's a little black spot on the sun today, it's the same old thing as yesterday
12) days become years, years become tears, inside this maze, I've lost your choice (?)
Posted by
4:14 AM
May 11, 2005
I found a product that's really good for the feet.
It's Earth Therapeutics' Tea Tree Oil Foot Repair Balm. I've been using it for almost 3 weeks and now, my feet are all nice and smooth. A couple of years ago, I developed these unsightly cracks at the ball of my foot, and now they're almost gone. But then again, it could be because I don't walk barefoot around the house anymore. It's one of Fly Lady's thing, to wear shoes around the house. Something to do with if you have shoes on, you tend to be professional or something.
Posted by
5:03 AM
May 10, 2005
I weighed myself today.
And, yipee, I lost a WHOLE pound. If you missed it, that was dripping with sarcasm. But, after endless hours of reasoning with myself, I actually felt good about that pound that I lost. I kept thinking that I only lost 1 pound since I said that I was going to lose weight which was about 5 weeks ago but I'm thinking, I weighed myself last week and this week I lost a pound. I just reread what I wrote and it didn't make sense.
Anyway, I lost a pound.
Posted by
5:00 AM
May 6, 2005
Third time's the charm.
I'm talking about the pan de sal. My second batch came out so very wrong. It wasn't even edible. But the third batch, it wasn't perfect, it looked like dinner rolls, but it was good. I used the same dough to make french loaf and it somewhat looked like a french loaf but it didn't taste like one. Well, enough with the buts. It was good. M had 3 rolls before dinner and she barely touched her spaghetti cause she keeps asking for more bread. G said it was good but G always says it's good, no matter what I cook.
Talked to mom couple of days ago, they're not coming to visit us on May instead they'll be here around October. And now, G is going on a trip for 45 days. Argh! Oh, well, part of the job. At least, it's only 45 days. But still 45 days is very long. He's leaving on the 14th of May, that's next weekend. And, he's working this weekend.
Anyways, I'm thinking of going to Cali while G is gone, once M's vacation starts but that would mean we would only be there for a couple of weeks. I know my dad will say, I'm wasting money by just staying there for 2 weeks. But I really want to come back when G gets back from his trip. This may not happen at all. Maybe we could take a hop to Cali. That would mean I won't be wasting my money, so dad will not have any reason to say something about the length of my vacation, anyways, we'll be seeing each other again when they come to visit us. It's not really me that my dad wants to see, it's M. Hahahaha.
Posted by
6:02 AM
May 3, 2005
Last night, I baked pan de sal.
It was pretty good. It didn't looked or tasted much like one but as a bread it was pretty good. M and G said it was OK. I'll try again later today. This time, I will follow the instructions to the dot. G said when will I try making a loaf, I said, when I'm satisfied with my pan de sal, I'll move on to a baguette.
Speaking of food, I weighed myself yesterday. ARGH! I didn't lose a single pound! But, I have my fingers crossed (it's that time of the month), I'll check again next week. I'm still exercising, that's the important part. Right? Right!
It's funny, I don't know where my free time went. I barely have time to mess around in the internet, I haven't started reading the book I borrowed from the library last Friday and I still have a movie I haven't seen that I got last Saturday.
Posted by
4:04 AM