All Rise!
Gary is doing bailiff duty.
It's pretty interesting. He can't talk about the case but he talked about what he had to do. He has to be at court earlier than everybody. The judge briefed him on what she expects from him.
She doesn't want any disturbance outside the door so if it does happen, he has to go outside and tell the culprit, court is in session. Hahaha! She's strict with what you can't have inside the courtroom, if anybody does have something, Gary has the judge's blessing to stare them down. Another hahahaha!
His bigger responsibility is to know where everybody is at during recess, the defendant, the witnesses, and the members (jurors). When court is about to start, he tells the judge the members are ready, then he tells the members the judge is ready to come out. He goes inside the courtroom, call "All rise!", everybody rises, the members comes in, then the judge comes in.
The rest of the time he just sits there, pretending to be awake.