Feb 12, 2006


Another early morning. It's so early my brain is not functioning well. Come to think of it, I don't think my brain had functioned well in a long time. So... what happened that we missed our flight?

It's stupidity and I don't know what else. For some reason, I thought our flight was on the morning of the 8th and our arrival is on the morning of the 9th. On the 7th, Pogs asked if we could go to Vallejo so he can drop-off his car at the shop and have the tint removed. I had to take mom to the hospital that morning for some blood work, so we made plans that if we're not home by 10 to meet at CostCo by 10:30 and head on to Vallejo.

Mom and I didn't get out of the hospital till 9:45ish so I planned on driving straight to CostCo. We got there with a few minutes to spare and 10:32 rolled around, no Pogs in sight. I decided to just drive to Vallejo and hopefully find the shop but as we were driving, I saw Gary driving Pog's car.

They finally caught up with us and followed them to the car shop. The address that Pogs had was wrong so he tried calling and finally found the right address but the car shop people won't be in. Pogs decided to just go grab lunch and take his car to the Fairfield place instead.

After lunch, we drove back to Fairfield and found the car shop. He dropped off his car and we started heading home. I asked Gary if he got a hold of anybody to pick us up at the station when we get back from UK, he said he hadn't. He made a comment about how our travel time back to UK seems longer. As we were driving home, I thought about what Gary said and started getting anxious. He's right! It seems awfully long, our flight should be just 10 hours. I better check the tickets.

We got home, checked the tickets and to my dismay, our flight was not in the morning but at 16:45. Oh no! Pogs had made arrangements with his work to come in late the next day. We're going to be way early at the airport! I showed Gary the tickets but he noticed something else. Our flight was on the 7th, not the 8th as we originally thought!

Shoot me! It was 1 PM, we were not packed! I still have clothes drying! We need to be there at least 2 hours prior! We're not going to make it! So, I was frantically packing away, Gary called the airlines. I was worried that we will not get rebooked. The airline person said that she could get us in the next day flight but, of course, we had to pay the penalty. 100 freakin' pounds per person! What else can we do but pay.

Goodbye $525. I hate to see you go. You would have brought me so much joy. Oh, the thought of what I could buy with you makes me cry (by the way, I did cry!). I could have gone shopping-crazy at the outlet. Imagine how many Jamba Juice I could have bought with that. WHY... I could have bought 2 whole lechon at Goldilocks with that.

Oh, well. Lesson learned -- double-check, triple-check, quadruple-check tickets!

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