Feb 15, 2005


I've been sitting here for the past 15 minutes and nothing. I can't think of anything to write about. I'm at LAUNCHcast Radio, rating more artists and songs, I'm still not totally happy with what it plays for me. Although, this morning it has played SOS, Basia, Moby, PetShop Boys, and right now RHCP's Under the Bridge is on. One time!

Oh, yeah, yesterday was V day. I have a thing with this day, I don't like receiving anything for this, I'd rather get it on a different day, like a totally ordinary day. THAT is nice. Told G over the weekend not to get anything for yesterday and he said, sure, tell me now! I had to laugh. Last year, he did get me and M something, it was very last minute! He ended up getting flowers that we're almost dying and some chocolates. Don't get me wrong, I think the gesture was very sweet and I said so, and added, next year, don't worry about it.

So, yesterday, he came home and he did have something for us. Anklets. I told you not to get anything, and he replied, I told you, too late. I've had this since last month. Oh well, I shouldn't complain.

(This is a song cold Plush -- And I feel that time's a wasted gold) I'm off editing My Station now!

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