Feb 2, 2005

I should start packing, but...

We'll be moving AGAIN! This will be our third move in this country alone and we haven't even been here 2 years. Totally not our fault. The first house that we lived in here was in town in one of those terraced houses (like a townhouse), we liked that area but the landlord decided to sell the house and so off we go.

The current house were living in is really nice. It's in a small village, so small that we don't have a pub. The only "public" building in this village is the church which is not currently in use as it is being restored. But we have the lakes, never mind that it's man-made, the footpaths and the fields. It's really calm and peaceful here and we're gonna miss it. But, the landlord is selling this house and so off we go.

The house we found is in another small village, a little bit bigger than this one, it has a pub and some other things. We haven't explored it yet. It's situated in the outskirts of the village. It's a big property, I think it used to be an estate of some sort. It has a couple of other families living there. The house itself used to be a barn and has been converted, so we're told. Don't think big red barn, it's more like a garage really.

I was telling G, if we go back in the days, maybe this used to be a rich man's property and the house that we're living in is the chauffer's apartment. It would make sense since it is connected to the garage and it has 4 bays. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, watch Audrey Hepburn's Sabrina.

It's a 2-bedroom house, we'll be downsizing a lot on this move, but it also has 2 bathroom and the bedrooms are bigger. It has an open-plan living areas, which I like. But the thing that sold this house to me was the playground and the tennis court.

I should start packing...

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