Megan said no more stories but she didn't say anything about movies =)
Mar 31, 2006
Mar 30, 2006
I have a new project.
Quilts. I've finished one but it came out too small. Now, I'm making a big one, the size of a blanket. It will be Megan's blanket. That's what I've been up to.
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5:28 AM
Mar 21, 2006
The verdict is in. Finally, Gary got his orders yesterday. We have a new assignment. It's not in the east or in the west nor is it in the south or the north. Give up? It's right smack in the middle of good ole US of A. Nebraska. Yep, we're going to Nebraska. Never in a million years did I think that I will call Nebraska home but home it will be for us, at least for 2 years.
When I asked Gary how long we'll be there he said, "There's a saying, Once you get Offutt (that's the name of the base), you'll never get off it." So, yeah, we're not too excited about this move. We made a list of the pros to get us psyched about it.
1. We can afford to buy a decent house.
2. If we buy a house, we can finally have a dog.
3. It has 8 bordering states that we can explore.
4. It has an aeroclub, maybe I can learn to fly. It costs $4000.
That's all we got so far.
Mom has left a couple of offline messages, what time are you online? Sis asked where the hell I've been. I'm still here. I just a have a new schedule and I'm not in front of the computer as much.
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2:42 AM
Mar 17, 2006
I can't contain my happiness.
Hahaha. I weighed myself today, it's been weeks since I last did, I was so worried but I lost 7 pounds. I'm so happy. I've reached one of my mini-goals. I have 2 major goals when it comes to weight loss. My shoot-for-the-moon goal is 50 pounds and my land-on-the-star goal is 30 pounds. What am I talking about? Ever heard of that saying, "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll still land on the stars"? That's what I'm talking about. 50 pounds seems so impossible, the 30-pound goal is my possible goal.
Even 30 pounds seem so daunting, so I decided to break it down to mini-goals and that is 10 pounds. I forgot to set-up the reward system so I don't know if I should get myself something or just save the money.
Anyways, I'm 2 pounds away from pre-mommy weight. Oh yeah, I've made names for my weight stages. There's post-Cali(4), pre-Cali/post-mommy(9), pre-mommy/post-Davao(7), pre-Davao/post-AF(10). I'd be so happy if I get to post-AF weight!
The thing is my post-Cali weight is what I weighed when I was pregnant, full-term! I had started lose it but it crept back over the years. Every year, I keep telling myself I need to lose weight and I would lose a couple of pounds but only to gain them back again.
I'm telling myself that this time is different. This is not just some fad diet that I'm doing. I'm actually changing my lifestyle to something healthier therefore I should be able to keep the pounds off. Look at me, worrying about keeping it off when I still have 20 pounds to go, actually, 19 (19 sounds better than 20, don't you think?)
For now, I'm so happy. You should see me right now, I'm singing,
I'm so happy that I can't stop crying...
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3:48 PM
Mar 13, 2006
I've been fnishing up the dollhouse. This is the left-side of the living room.
The two top shelf of the display cabinet has blue and white jars. We made those using beads. I got the idea from the vanity tray that I bought for the master's. At the bottom shelf is a silver tea set.
Not very visible is a black cat sitting on the chair. This is the right-side of the living room.
Clearly, this side is not done. It needs a coffee table & side tables. I'm also thinking of adding a floor lamp. It is very dim. Up on the mantle are more vases/jars that we made, once again, out of beads.
The niche next to the fireplace is a built-in bookshelf. We made those books ourselves. Here is the kitchen/dining room.
Very small. There's a chocolate cake in between the two vase on the window sill. There's a cutting board and a butcher's knife on top of the shelf (those are stickers, scrapbooker's stickers).
The kitchen dresser, the food items sitting on the shelf are oranges, potatoes, carrots and a loaf of bread, made out of clay and then painted.
The dining table is set for dinner. This room just needs something on the walls. Bedroom 1, the master's bedroom.
The purses hanging on the washstand are scrapbooker's stickers, same as the pictures on the wall. Not seen on the picture is the wardrobe. I sewed fabric together into rectangles so they can look like linens and towels. Bedroom 2, the nursery.
This is my favorite room. More sticker's here, the dresses and the pictures on the walls. Another cat sitting on the rocking chair. The mermaid is a real toy, from Peter Pan. Not seen here is the bookcase, it has more Peter Pan figurines, books and a couple of toys from Megan's. It still needs more toys.
This used to have a front yard but since we don't have a spot for the complete dollhouse, it's kept in a box. It has a small pond, a sitting area, & a grotto.
That's it.
Posted by
2:55 AM
Mar 2, 2006
It's been so cold here lately. If it's not raining, we usually would walk to school. It's about a 10-minute walk. With this weather, I just might start driving her to school. This morning, frost everywhere! It's nice to look at, glinting under the sun, but, it's so cold.
By the time I get back from school, my thighs feels like they're freezing. My nose is all red and my ears hurt. Yesterday, my ears felt like they're about to fall off. Today, I got smart, I wore a sweater underneath my jacket and pulled up the hood. They didn't feel like they're ready to fall but they still hurt. I forgot to put chapstix and so my lips started hurting, too.
Right now, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, a slight breeze, it seems like a perfect day but it's still chilly.
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5:00 AM