Nov 15, 2005

I haven't had a proper kitchen for 2 months now.

I finally got everything sorted out in the kitchen and I was ready to cook. I made pan de sal and it came out almost perfect. (I haven't figured out how the timer works on the oven and left it baking 5 minutes longer and it came out too crusty at the bottom.)

First meal I made was baked spaghetti. G has been asking for one and I finally made it last night. Of course, it was really yummy. I don't know why but M doesn't like it baked. I have to set aside a portion of regular spaghetti for her. I guess G & M are tired of eating out cause when I asked them what they want for dinner for the week, they just went on and on.

So, although I am not too excited about our new house, it's good to have my things around me. I'm back to being online 24/7. I don't have to watch TV to kill time. I can finally sing again without worrying that the occupants in the next room can hear me. I can start working again on my doll house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i lost the recipe for baked spag. email me another one, hehehe.