Jul 14, 2005

I got my Magic Sing yesterday (thanks, bro!).

After dinner, I asked mom if we should play tennis or sing. We decided to sing instead but felt guilty about skipping tennis, after all we had deep-fried pork belly for dinner (I know, very nutritious, hahahaha!). But, it turned out that singing was a great workout. I was sweating like a pig and I sounded like a pig being gutted as well.

At one point, mom asked me to sing Dancing Queen and when I got to the part where it goes, "you are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen" I might as well just have squealed. Who cares, at least I'm one happy pig. =)

P.S. Mom is, at this very moment, singing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are that dancing queen, young and free..oh!oh!.. i am that old dancing queen..oh!oh!.. we are happy "no pig"..piggy pink! oh! oh!