Jul 26, 2005

My arms are all scratched-up!

Thanks to the doll house I've been building for M. And I have a splinter in my right middle finger. It hurts when I bend it so I'm typing with my other 9 fingers. Why is it that really minor injuries hurt as much as a major injury! OK, that's exaggerated but this splinter is making normal chores difficult. And, it's so small, I can't see it and take it out. Argh!

Back in the old days when I was still working, one of the things that ALWAYS happen to me is ... paper cut. I HATE PAPER CUTS! I'd rather get cut by a knife than a paper. I don't see how an almost invisible cut hurts so much. And if it happens to be in my finger, I don't use that finger when I wash my hair. Reason being, a strand of hair always manages to slide into that almost-invisible-cut. Awwww.

I hate being in any kind of pain, no matter how big or small. If I stub my toe I would scream like a whole house fell on my toe. I don't know why. Maybe the screaming helps ease the pain. OR, maybe I'm just a big baby.

Jul 19, 2005

The Contest

Discovered this feature in Magic Sing yesterday.

It chooses 3 random songs for you and you go head to head with each other. So, yesterday, mom and I tried it. First up was me and the first song was No Woman No Cry by Bob Marley. I got a 92. Mom's first song was Wind of Change by Scorpions. She doesn't know the song but still managed to get a 92. My next song was Merry Christmas Darling by Carpenters, the chorus is familiar and I got a 93, again. Mom's next song was Love Me Tender by Elvis Prestley, she got a 94. Mom's on the lead now by a point. My last song was Under My Thumb by Rolling Stones.

Since we were using the Amateur scoring, it's not that difficult to get good scores. All you really need to do is keep up with it. It doesn't really matter how off-key you are. I got a 98, I'm thinking, yeah, I'm gonna win. Mom's last song was I Will Survive, mom was groaning and I was laughing. First I was afraid, I was petrified... Oh, by the way, it has a real-time scoring, meaning you can see your score as your singing and mom was hitting the 100. I'm like, NOOOO!!!! But as she got to the fast part she was basically just mumbling the song and she was still getting 100. Finally, she took a breath and her score went down to 99. Her final score was 99.

My mom beat me at karaoke!

Jul 18, 2005

roller coaster

Originally uploaded by xiemen.

Why is it that as you grow older you become scared of more things? I get really queasy easy. That's why I usually stay away from rides that just goes round and round, roller coasters are another thing. But... as soon as I get on one I start thinking to myself why, why did I get on this one. And all kinds of terrible thoughts start flashing in my head.

It's all good. The adrenaline rush is great!

Jul 14, 2005

I got my Magic Sing yesterday (thanks, bro!).

After dinner, I asked mom if we should play tennis or sing. We decided to sing instead but felt guilty about skipping tennis, after all we had deep-fried pork belly for dinner (I know, very nutritious, hahahaha!). But, it turned out that singing was a great workout. I was sweating like a pig and I sounded like a pig being gutted as well.

At one point, mom asked me to sing Dancing Queen and when I got to the part where it goes, "you are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen" I might as well just have squealed. Who cares, at least I'm one happy pig. =)

P.S. Mom is, at this very moment, singing.

Jul 12, 2005

It's been almost a month that I haven't worked out.

And with Mom here with us, those 4 measly pounds that I lost are back and they brought friends with them, too. I'm hoping to play tennis regularly with Mom to counter it but the weather is just not cooperating. It either rains a lot or it's too hot to play. Excuses, excuses.

Jul 4, 2005

During this time of the year, we see this sign everywhere, PYO (then a picture of a strawberry). When we first got here, we were wondering what that sign meant. Finally, we realized it meant, pick your own. We've been meaning to go there for the longest time and finally, last Saturday, we went.

It was fun! The strawberries were really juicy and sweet. We picked a whole bunch. M had loads of fun picking them. G made some strawberry shortcake. Mom made jam and we still have half of the basket left.

Jul 2, 2005


Mom's here, G's back and we went on a trip. First stop was the Uffington White Horse. That was a waste of time and energy! You can't really see the whole white horse in any angle (except, maybe aerial). Next, we saw the Stonehenge.

The next day, we went to Bath. Rode the red bus and toured the city. Of course, M wants to ride the boat, too. Our third day, we went Blenhiem Palace, spent the whole day there. Our last day, we went to Stratford-Upon-Avon and just walked around. A lot of history here.

Photos in my flickr more in yahoo!album.