Jan 29, 2005

Niche Me? What does it mean? Does it mean anything? According to Merriam-Webster Online:

Pronunciation: 'nich, 'nEsh
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Middle French, from nicher to nest, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin nidicare, from Latin nidus nest
1 a : a recess in a wall especially for a statue
b : something that resembles a niche
2 a : a place, employment, status, or activity for which a person or thing is best fitted
b : a habitat supplying the factors necessary for the existence of an organism or species
c : the ecological role of an organism in a community especially in regard to food consumption
d : a specialized market

Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): niched; nich·ing
: to place in or as if in a niche

So, Niche Me could mean to put me in a (2a) place, employment, status, or activity which I am best fitted. I like that.

Niche Me is an anagram of my first name. Can you guess what it is?

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