Bought an old movie yesterday. Connery's & Zeta-Jones' Entrapment. It must be cool to do the things that they can do. Another thief-films that I like are The Bandits and Thomas Crown Affair. I should buy those. I should make a list of The Ultimate DVD Collection, maybe I should start with The Essential DVD Collection.
I have a WISHlist maintained at Froogle. I mean WISH talaga. Somethings that I would only probably get if I won the lotto jackpot and since I don't buy lotto tickets...
I like making lists. I need a list for everything and anything. My thoughts are so jumbled, I started with a movie now I'm at list-making, and talking of lists, I have to make a To-do list for M's birthday.
Jan 31, 2005
Jan 30, 2005
Just got done gardening. Uploaded a couple of pic here. Now, what? I'm online again. Didn't log in to YM. Don't feel like chatting.
little black book. I like the boomerang idea. You throw it out into the world and it will always come back. Do you believe in fate or destiny? Is anything fated? And if so, then why the heck do we have to make decisions if in the end that's what's fated? So, maybe it's not.
I know it's not. We are our own masters of our destiny. What we do or not do is how our life will turn out. If I did something different in the past, I wouldn't be sitting here typing away in my laptop. And so, if you ask me, given the chance to go in the past where will you and would you change anything?
I would like to go to the happiest day in my life (I still have to think when was that) and just relive it and I wouldn't change anything.
Posted by
9:11 AM
Movies seen over the weekend are, Little Black Book, The Incredible, and The Village.
I like movies. Feel-good movies are my favorite. I don't like heavy drama. I try to watch suspense/thriller or scary movies but only if G watches it with me.
OH, me and daughter were watching this movie, so it came to a scary part and I ran out of the room, saying I'm scared, i'm scared and daughter decided to do what I was doing, but she was playing with the hoola hoop so she ran towards the door, saying i'm scared, i'm scared hoola hoop in her waist and then she got stuck at the door. Then, she looked at me and said, i'm stuck! i'm stuck!
Posted by
4:06 AM
Jan 29, 2005
Niche Me? What does it mean? Does it mean anything? According to Merriam-Webster Online:
Pronunciation: 'nich, 'nEsh
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Middle French, from nicher to nest, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin nidicare, from Latin nidus nest
1 a : a recess in a wall especially for a statue
b : something that resembles a niche
2 a : a place, employment, status, or activity for which a person or thing is best fitted
b : a habitat supplying the factors necessary for the existence of an organism or species
c : the ecological role of an organism in a community especially in regard to food consumption
d : a specialized market
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): niched; nich·ing
: to place in or as if in a niche
So, Niche Me could mean to put me in a (2a) place, employment, status, or activity which I am best fitted. I like that.
Niche Me is an anagram of my first name. Can you guess what it is?
Posted by
3:58 AM
Jan 28, 2005
Precisely... I have a new one and this one will be about ME, MYSELF, and I (like I have a whole lot goin' on in my life that I need a whole new space for that), humor me and just keep reading!
So now, I'm off, tweaking this custom-made into my very own.
Posted by
6:17 AM