Last post, I complained about nothing to do.
I've started reading this book, C'est La Vie, and found inspiration. I've always wanted to speak french and I did try and learn but got tired of it and gave up. As you might have guessed, I want to do it again. Only thing is, I left my learning materials in NE. Didn't think I'd need it. I really don't want to buy another set of books so I'm turning to the internet to help me out on this one. We'll see what happens.
Jun 30, 2007
*big sigh*
It's like my life is on hold. I am officially doing nothing. Nada. Zero. Zelch. I'm just hanging out at dad's doing nothing. NOTHING... I need to be productive. I need inspiration. To do something. Anything. What should I do for the next 6 weeks that I'll be here???
Suggestions? Anyone? Save me from this insanity...
I'm just bored. That's what it all boils down to.
Posted by
1:42 AM
Labels: bored
Jun 26, 2007
I've been meaning to post new photos and videos BUT I DON'T HAVE A USB. I thought my brother would have a USB but no, he does not have any. It's making me so frustrated. So frustrated that I mustered enough strength to go in Dad's room and look for one. Yes, it takes a lot to go into Dad's room and rummage through his stuff. Just kidding. Dad's room is not that bad. I found 2. 1 for his camera which is too square and another one for his mp3 player which is too wide.
So, unless a USB miraculously falls in my lap, no photo or videos from me. OR I could just go to the nearest store and get me one.
Posted by
2:00 AM
Labels: rant
Jun 14, 2007
We're here in sunny CA.
Pleasantly surprised that Megan behaved, she didn't bombard me with her ceaseless chatter. She pretty much sat at the backseat and did her math book. Although, sometimes she would tease Buddy and Buddy would start barking and inside a car, Buddy's bark is just sooo loud.
At first Buddy barked like crazy when I got him inside his crate. He did not want to be in there but after a few, he settled down and resigned to his place in his crate. Funny that everytime we'd stop and I'd put him back in his crate when it's time to go, he would still go bark and whimper. You'd think he would have learnt his lesson, maybe just trying his luck. We might pity him and let him out of his crate. Nah.
Overall, the drive was OK. It took us 3 days to get here, slept at Wyoming & Utah. Our last drive day was 11 hours total. So, I'm thinking maybe I could do it in 2 days next time.
Posted by
1:47 PM
Jun 4, 2007
need a smile?
click on the link bugging you.
it's worth a click, i promise. hey, you might even laugh.
Posted by
12:38 AM
Labels: humor
Jun 2, 2007
Finally decided what we'll do... we'll drive.
Hahaha. Megan, Buddy & I will drive from middle of nowhere Nebraska to California. I don't think it's a very good idea. Megan is so impatient and Buddy is so nervous inside a car but this is our best option.
It's a 22-hour drive so unless I drive 11 hours straight, we'll be on the road for 2 days. I don't think I can drive that long with 2 spoiled brats in the car, I think it's best if we do it this in 3 days.
I've always wanted to drive coast to coast so this will be like a practice run for us. Wish us luck. I'm gonna need it. A lot of it.
Posted by
9:10 PM
Labels: roadtrip