project #2
Over the weekend, we installed hardwood floor in the dining room. It took us half of Friday, most of Saturday and a little bit of Sunday. Sunday was mainly the trim.
I think I need an area rug or a new dining set.
Over the weekend, we installed hardwood floor in the dining room. It took us half of Friday, most of Saturday and a little bit of Sunday. Sunday was mainly the trim.
I think I need an area rug or a new dining set.
Posted by
3:04 PM
I find humor when I take things literally.
Gary is an endless source of funny terms. Catching a plane, launching a plane and such. Whenever he talks about catching a plane, I say something like, "was it heavy?" or "you guys must be really strong".
Another source are street signs. "Slow children at play" or "Slow children crossing", whenever I see this sign, I have a vision in my head of children playing in slow motion.
In England, I see this one a lot, "Heavy plant crossing". My translation, a fat tree crossing the road. Hahaha. But the one that got me really bawling was this "Humped Zebra Crossing."
Gary doesn't think these are funny. I think it's hilarious and apparently Meg does, too. Gary was grilling ribs and corn and the ribs didn't came out great, he made a comment that he was afraid of the corn. I think he meant he was afraid "for" the corn. I made an exaggerated surprised face and said, "Were they gonna get you?" and Megan chimed in with, "We're gonna get ya, we're gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya."
Posted by
10:35 AM
Late last night, as I was watching TV, don't remember the show, Buddy started barking. It surprised me a little bit, he usually whimpers when he wakes up at night and he has to go, if he doesn't get any attention, he'll bark a few more times then goes back to whimpering, then bark, well, you get the drift.
His bark last night sounded off, it sounded like a bark when something alarms him. Awowowow, something like that. I listened and he goes again. I went downstairs to check on him but amazingly enough I didn't hear any jingling of his collar. When he hears somebody coming he'll start wagging his tail and his collar jingles. I turned on the light and he was just laying there on his bed, looked at me, then put his head down and went back to sleep.
I think he was dreaming. I wonder what his dream was.
Posted by
1:50 PM
So... the Raiders suck!!!
I am not a big sports fan so I don't have a clue why they suck but they just do. I mean they have zero offense. I quit watching around 11. Figured I'm better off sleeping than watching them lose big time! If they keep at it, I'm just going to quit watching NFL altogether and just switch to college football.
I guess college football is big here. Last Saturday they have a game, which got cancelled due to weather, but a lot and I mean a lot of people were wearing red. GO BIG RED!!! They have a game against the USC this Saturday.
Am I going to watch it? Nah... GO RAIDERS!
Posted by
8:45 PM
Our first effort at my on-going project "wildlife habitat".
It's not done yet. We still need to add more pebbles around the pond, maybe add pavers to hide that unsightly black, and add aquatic plants. I was just so excited, this morning we have our first visitor. I like the ornamental grass. It gives a swamp feel to it.
Posted by
9:29 PM