So, last week I was so excited.
Finally, our stuff's here. It was delivered last Friday and we've been unpacking since then. Right now, everything's unpacked, it's just a matter of putting them away and we're working double time since mom-in-law is visiting us. She's arriving on Wednesday and staying for about a week.
It's funny how everything fit in the tiny house back in England and now that we are in a bigger house, I'm having trouble finding a place for everything! How did that happen? I've always thought we don't have a lot of stuff but, I don't know, maybe I'm just a little bit overwhelmed. One thing's for sure, it's beginning to feel like home now.
Last Saturday, coming out of a store, there was a bunch of cop cars outside. A little kid was locked inside a car. It was just so scary. The mom was trying to get the kid to unlock the car but the kid was just to young to do it. The cop was trying to unlock the car, finally, a kid-rescue truck arrived and got it unlocked. The little kid came out okay, she was probably 3 or 4. They got her in an ambulance for first aid. What happened was, mom opened the car, left the key in the ignition, put the kid inside, closed the door and went to put the stuff in the back of the car but before she could open it, the kid took the key out from the ignition and that automatically locked the car. That was scary and it was so hot, too.
Yeah, it's been so hot since Thursday. It was 90 but feels like a 98 and on Sunday, they said it was 108. Today, it was a little cooler but they forecasted Wednesday to be between 110 to 115. That's HOT! It's been so hot that if you step outside and even if you just stand there, you'll be sweating.
Megan and Buddy cannot seem to play nice! Most of it is Megan's fault. She just loves to tease Buddy. She thinks it's so funny when Buddy gets agitated and when that happens Buddy fights back and starts biting, then Megan yells, "BUDDY, NO BITE!" I keep telling her that if she just stop teasing Buddy then Buddy won't bite her. (Most of the time, the bite doesn't hurt that much.) She also loves to hold Buddy, when she's watching TV, she'll pick Buddy up and just cuddle him but Buddy doesn't like to be cuddled for too long. Anyway, Buddy is going to a puppy school starting Friday. Megan will be training with him, hopefully, this will teach them both how to play nice.
Jul 17, 2006
Jul 5, 2006
Happy 4th of July!
It felt like New Year in Pinas though with all the fireworks. Most of our neighbors were out in their driveway with fireworks. It was fun watching it but it was hell for Buddy. He couldn't go potty. He was very vocal about all of it, he barked at it like crazy which is funny since he's so small.
Well, Dad and Pogs came to visit us, too bad they were here for just a couple of days, no matter, it was still great to see them. Thanks for coming! We hope you'll come back and see us again and maybe next time you'll stay longer.
Buddy's doing great, he's eating a lot now. We're still have accidents but now it doesn't take him forever to go outside, just a day. He's doing good in the morning, he'll go as soon as I put him down. It's the rest of the day that we're having problem, I have to constantly watch him when he's not in his crate. (He loves his crate by the way). One thing that we're trying to break a habit of his is biting. Sometimes when he's very excited he tends to bite harder than play bite, he actually broke skin once.
Tomorrow, we're picking up the Gary's Land Rover, 6-hour drive. I don't know how Buddy will take it. Megan hates long drives. Which reminds me, I better recharge her gameboy. Most likely we'll stay the night and come back home the day after.
Home. It doesn't feel much like home yet. It's so empty. Our beds are still on the floor. The frames and other stuff haven't been delivered. We borrowed Pogs TV so it's a little bit bearable now, Megan's glued to the TV now. Our dining table is a patio set.
I have a new favorite store, Hobby Lobby. It's an arts and crafts store AND they sell home accessories. Lamplights, side tables, mirrors, garden stuff, etc. I love it. I refrained myself from getting anything. I have to wait for the rest of our stuff and see.
That's it for now.
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12:30 AM